Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Eats!

Well, it's like I said... watching water boil and watching your garden grow is the same thing. I turned my attention to other things for a little bit and when I turned around, VOILA!! the garden is growing fast.  I thought I might be behind on the CT time table, but seeing as how we just had some lettuce and our first summer squash last night, I'd say we're doing pretty good.  I can see baby tomatoes on the cherry plants, but the big boys are still a bit small.
We didn't do anything fancy...just washed it and cut it up and tossed it in with our lettuce. Cutting the squash off the plant while it's still somewhat small was definitely a good choice... it tastes better and the seeds aren't all big and gross in my mouth. YUMMY!! 
This was the first time I've ever had fresh from the garden lettuce. It was the best lettuce ever. I have no idea what variety it is (so if you recognize it, lay it on me), but it tasted great and the whole "fresh" thing beats the grocery store any day. Oh and Yeah for no pesticides!!!!  My wife (via Grace-thank you) had the great idea to just tear off what we need for dinner and not rip the whole head up. I totally would have lopped the poor plants head off, but fortunately my wife is smarter than that.