Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We haven't had much rain in CT lately. While I have been neglecting the lawn... or as I like to call it, the hay field, I've been pretty good about keeping the gardens watered.  Unfortunately, I did not consider our tree that's only been in the ground for 2 years. The neighbors trees seem to be doing well, but ours has dried up and the leaves are brown and wilted. I know this is bad, but I'm hoping it can survive with daily watering.  If anyone has any insight into this, please share.  I looked around a little online, but can't really find an answer. It was mentioned here, but I'm not sure how long "prolonged" means.
The garden is doing well and thriving. We've already eaten some lettuce and squash and the tomatoes are starting to show up. I've done my best trying to guide the tomato plants and keep them in their cages, but inevitably a branch will sprout out undetected and then grow so it pushes the cage up and out of the ground.  I'm not sure there's a fix for this other than to use a different method. This one looks cool, but I'm kind of lost at how the whole plant would stay up. I'm noticing mine have heavy branches that fall down and rip themselves off the main stalk. I've read they will form new root systems and survive and I know I have to keep them off the ground, so I'll probably start tying them off to stakes.


  1. Looks like a giant tree compared to when I saw it last. I think it was an empty field the last time I was there.

  2. When trying to revive a dehydrated tree keep a hose on the ground at the base of the tree for an hour a day so all the roots get the water and not simply the trunk. there are nutrient spikes you can get for the tree that are relatively inexpensive and you can put in the ground near the hose. Do not attempt CPR
