Monday, June 7, 2010

Chris Bantz Garden - Week 3

I love drastic changes in the weather. I love how in the winter you can go to sleep and the sky is clear, but when you wake up there's 4 inches of snow on the ground. I love thunderstorms that come out of nowhere and shake your house with giant eye-opening BOOOMs.  I love heavy rains and I love strong winds.  What I don't like, is when that strong wind tears up my young garden.  Now I may be exaggerating a little, but the picture above clearly shows what can happen if you don't protect the wee babies.  This is all that's left of one of my two cucumber plants.  This is the one that was pinched in the stem. I thought it was going to pull through because the leaves on it looked healthy and green and it had a flower.  Apparently the wind was strong enough to turn that pinch into an amputation as the entire plant was ripped clean. Arg, why do I have so much trouble growing cukes?

1 comment:

  1. Strong winds wreak havoc down here too. We actually had a 6 ft tree die bc the winds were so fierce this winter. (and this yankee girl didn't know I had to keep watering the plants in winter either!)
