Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chris Bantz Garden - Week 2

I'm typically not going to write on the weekends, so I'm either going to have to start skipping days with my current naming scheme or switch to the easier method of weekly titles.  I'll try a few things out and see what sticks.
Since there's not much activity in the garden right now, I thought I'd talk about one of our other plant beds.  The grass growing up inside our shrubs drive me insane.  There was no grass in the pot when we bought the shrub, so where the heck did it come from?  Well, I learned some new words today in trying to answer that very question. Here's two words you've probably never heard of before because frankly, when would they ever come up in conversation?  Stolons (a stem that grows sideways along the ground and spawns new grass)  and Rhizomes (a stem that grows underground to spawn new grass). Now I want you to try and work that into a conversation soon:

Hey Suzy, how are the kids doing?
Good Helen, except little Timmy discovered a whole series of Stolons out back. You would think we only have to worry about Rhizomes, but sheesh!!! Two methods of reproducing....ARGGG!!!
(Helen nods her head and slowly backs away....)

Anyway, now I know why people use that black plastic keeps the plant beds nice & neat and keeps new grass out of your beds.


  1. Garden is beginning to look good. How are the moles doing?

    My small garden is exploding. Loaded with tomatoes ,cucs and peppers.

  2. The moles are at bay. I think there's only one (or one family anyway), but there's not a ton of tunnel activity on a daily basis.

    Glad to hear your garden is doing well!

  3. I've used black edging and brick borders in the past but eventually the stolons and rhizomes get thru anyway!! We have centipede grass which spreads the same way. Our lawn guy edges when he mows and it always looks terrific. You might want to consider that option too (but it does add time and work to the weekly mow)

  4. I don't mind the extra time for doing the lawn. I'll just need to ask Santa for an edger this year :)
