Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jalapeno peppers and cherry tomatoes

At the beginning of the season I planted more seeds than I can fit in the garden. My thinking is that if any of them don't take, I'll still have plenty to put in the ground.  However, I don't have the heart to just throw away/kill a healthy plant. So when they all "took" and were growing healthy, I squeezed them into the garden.  I've learned in past years that I can't go crazy and plant too many because the garden will just grow out of control and the plants will grow into each other and just make a mess.  So while our garden is bigger this year and the plants are spaced out better, I still have the problem of overcrowding and too many of certain veggies...namely jalapeno peppers and cherry tomatoes.
All of this is complicated by the life-sucking weeds that grew underneath my weed barrier.  They then rallied forces with mother nature and destroyed the weed barrier altogether.  I have since weeded out most of them and the veggie plants are doing well and yielding some yummy food.

I have so many jalapeno peppers I don't know what to do with them. I'm the only one in the house that eats them or likes spicy food.  I want to make salsa, but that won't use up all of my jalapenos.  So I've been experimenting.... slicing up the peppers and putting them on and in everything. They are not particularly hot this year, so I can almost eat them by themselves.  I had some last month on a burrito from a place called Tijuana Flats that were so hot I couldn't eat them. It's interesting that there could be so much variety within the same family of pepper.  In any case, I sliced mine up and ate them on a cracker with a slice of cherry tomato.  It wasn't bad, but there's only so much I want to eat.  Recently I chopped it up and threw it in my mac n cheese. It was surprisingly yummy and I'd do it again.

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