Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 5

Today, I've included a few close-ups of some of the veggie plants.  There are approximately 40 plants in the garden and I see no reason to include close-ups of all of them. So for starters I've included a big boy hybrid tomato (it's the smallest of them all-late bloomer), 2 squash plants (unfortunately in the transplant from indoor to outdoor, I lost track of what types they are - only time will tell), a pepper plant (there's actually 2 of them there because I didn't split them: This might be Serrano, but again the nice organized chart of all our plants that my darling daughters created became useless when I started randomly throwing plants in the garden), and finally the worst looking plant in either of our two gardens - a squash that hasn't quite died yet, but is not happy about being thrown out of the nice cozy house. I haven't given up hope for it.... I never do.


  1. By the time my dial-up modem can load your blog, the tomatoes will be ripe for the pickin....can't wait!

  2. You have enough fence to keep away a herd of buffalo - why such a big fence?

  3. HAHAH, good thing we don't have buffalo, my fence wouldn't stand a chance. But in answer to your question: after the bunnies ate up my entire garden (except the tomatoes) I built it up to withstand the most common wildlife in the area. I'm told that if a deer wants in, he'll just hop over my little 4' fence. But for now, it appears to be working as the only critter I need to fear and little leaf-eaters.

  4. Although, I have noticed that some of my neighbors don't have fences at all...what's that all about? Maybe I just need a scarecrow.

  5. Get a scarecrow! Get a scarecrow! I want to see a Chris Bantz scarecrow blog. Not THAT I could get into!
